編號 : 2014106
項目名 : Pricing Series (6): Cost Build-up and Pricing of MEP Works
學會持續專業發展編號 : Formal Events
講師 : Mr. Daniel Mok, MSc, Dip. Arb., MHKIS, MRICS, MHKIE, MIMechE, FCIArb, FACostE, C. Eng., RPE, REA

Daniel is the current Chairman of the Association of Cost Engineers – Hong Kong Region.

Daniel is also a Director of BYME Engineering Co. Ltd. which is an active MEP Contractor in the market. He is a qualified quantity surveyor and qualified engineer with 25 years experience in MEP contracting business. He has both consultant’s and contractor’s experience in MEP Contract. He is experienced in the pricing, valuation and dispute resolution on MEP projects. Daniel has also been practicing as a consultant QS for a number of years and has become a member of HKIS QSD in 2013.
日期 : 2014-11-12
時間 : 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (Registration and networking time: from 6:30 pm)
有關組別之資格預審前研習小時 : 1.5
地點 : 香港上環干諾道中111號永安中心12樓 1207室測量師研究中心
部門 : QSD
費用 : HK$120 for members of HKIS and ACostE (Hong Kong Region); HK$150 for non-members (HK$30 walk-in surcharge on all prices listed); Free of charge for student members studying full time (subject to availability)
名額 : QSD & ACostE (Hong Kong Region); First-come-first-served
語言 : Cantonese supplemented by English
詳情 :

Orangizer: HKIS (QSD) & ACostE (Hong Kong Region)


MEP contract sum constituted a minor portion of the total cost of a building project in the past. With the technology advancement and the growing demand of environmental comfort and safety, the design of the MEP systems has gradually turned to be sophisticated and costly. The cost proportion has increased substantially due to the systems complexity and interfacing. Pricing and valuation of MEP works is becoming technically oriented. 


Daniel with his expertise in engineering and knowledge in quantity surveying practice will introduce the elements that should be considered in the cost build-up and pricing of MEP works.

備註 :


付款 : HKD 120
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks