編號 : 2015079
項目名 : BIM: Challenges and Opportunities for Land Surveying Profession
學會持續專業發展編號 : Formal Events
講師 : Mr. Kent Lam
日期 : 2015-05-20
時間 : 7:00 – 8:30 pm (Wednesday)
註冊截止日期 : 2015-05-15
有關組別之資格預審前研習小時 : 1.5
Divisional PQSL Hour(s) : 0
地點 : 香港上環干諾道中111號永安中心12樓 1207室測量師研究中心
部門 : LSD
費用 : HK$120 for member; HK$150 for non-member
語言 : Cantonese
詳情 :

Mr. Kent Lam received his surveying engineering education in Canada from the University of New Brunswick and the University of Calgary. Mr. Lam has over twenty years of experience working for both tertiary education and GIS industry in Hong Kong and Canada. In 1991, he returned to Hong Kong and joined the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. During his tenure with LSGI, he played a key role in establishing both the undergraduate and graduate programmes in the Department. After leaving LSGI in 2001, he worked for various technology and listed companies in Hong Kong in the senior management level looking after R&D, business operation, business development and marketing. He also serviced as a visiting lecturer and M.Phil. student supervisor for the Master of Arts in Transport Policy & Planning, The University of Hong Kong. He has re-joined LSGI again as an academic staff since 2012. In addition to the normal teaching and programme administrative duties, he also finds interest in the areas of intelligent transportation system and BIM. He is currently the fellow and council member of the Association of Intelligent Transportation Systems Hong Kong (ITSHK). He is also helping LSGI to review the academic program and integrate BIM elements into the existing curriculum. In this seminar, Mr. Lam will discuss the challenges and opportunities that BIM has brought forward to the land surveying profession. During the presentation, he will briefly introduce the BIM technology. He will then discuss BIM from the data capture, data management and project management perspectives.

付款 : HKD 120
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks