編號 : 2017078
項目名 : Big Data in Construction Industry & Analysis of Listed Construction-Related Companies
學會持續專業發展編號 : Formal Events
講師 : Mr David Wong, Mr John Leung & Mr Stanley Wong

Mr David Wong, a Hong Kong pioneer in the field of algorithm trading, working as chief system analyst for Fledge Algorithm Trading Company Limited since April 2010, writes a regular column in Stock Party, one of Hong Kong’s best-known finance magazines. David developed a mobile app called Stock Buddy (supported on iOS and Android) that focuses on conspiratorial analysis and text mining.

Mr John Leung has been an IT Consultant from IT Channel (Asia) Limited for over six years. Being a Tableau Qualified Associate, he provides consultancy services to enterprises primarily on data management and visualization.

Mr Stanley Wong, the Executive Director of Jia Meng Holdings (8101), the youngest director of a listed company in Hong Kong, a bestselling writer (殼股財技)
日期 : 2017-05-09
時間 : 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (Registration and networking time: from 6:30 pm)
註冊截止日期 : 2017-04-25
有關組別之資格預審前研習小時 : 1.5
Divisional PQSL Hour(s) : 1.5
地點 : 香港上環干諾道中111號永安中心12樓 1207室測量師研習中心
部門 : QSD
費用 : HK$120 for members of HKIS; HK$180 for non-members (HK$30 walk-in surcharge on all prices listed); Free of charge for student members studying full time (subject to availability)
名額 : QSD Members; First-come-first-served
語言 : Cantonese supplemented by English
詳情 :

The speakers will discuss the following in this talk.


1) Big data in construction industry (by Mr David Wong and Mr John Leung)

a) The importance of real-time data

b) Extract data efficiently from website

c) Business intelligent software that helps you see and understand data (inventory/ material control, time management, decision making, chart presentation)


2) Analysis of listed construction-related companies (by Mr Stanley Wong)

a) Types of construction firms

b) Insights from financial reports and HKEx website (real business, hidden agenda, the management team…)

c) Invest smartly

備註 :


付款 : HKD 120
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks