編號 : 2018046
項目名 : Variation Provisions
學會持續專業發展編號 : Formal Events
講師 : Sr Alan KH HO

Sr HO is the Senior Commercial Manager of Chun Wo Construction Holdings Company Limited. During his more than 20 years experience in construction industry, he has extensive exposure to quantity surveying, contract and claim management in building and civil engineering contracts at both project and corporate levels. In addition, Sr HO is also one of the main trainers in the Company who actively takes part in the establishment and operation of APC training programme to provide comprehensive guidance and training for young quantity surveyors from graduation to obtaining of professional qualification.
日期 : 2018-06-29
時間 : 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (Registration and networking time: from 6:30 pm)
有關組別之資格預審前研習小時 : 1.5
Divisional PQSL Hour(s) : 1.5
地點 : 香港上環干諾道中111號永安中心12樓 1207室測量師研習中心
部門 : QSD
費用 : HK$120 for members; HK$180 for non-members (HK$30 walk-in surcharge on all prices listed); Free of charge for student members studying full time (subject to availability)
名額 : QSD Members; First-come-first-served
語言 : Cantonese supplemented by English
詳情 :

Handling variations is an indispensible part of QS duties.  It is therefore of paramount importance to understand the crux of variation provisions in the commonly used standard form of contracts.  The seminar will mainly cover the following issues from practical point of view:

  1. Variation clauses: Why there?
  2. Definition of variation
  3. Obligation to issue variation
  4. Identification of variation
  5. Valuation of variation
  6. Contractor’s on cost
備註 :


付款 : HKD 120
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks