編號 : 2018212
項目名 : What you need to know about Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in surveying
學會持續專業發展編號 : Formal Events
講師 : Rickson Chow – President of IUASA
He has been providing professional UAV flight training and aerial services for professionals including surveying, construction, security, production, education and NGOs. With the knowledge from MSc and BEng in Aerospace Engineering and over 20 years of experience in remote controlled systems, he has trained over 1000+ operators to upgrade UAV for wide range of application.
日期 : 2018-12-14
時間 : 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
註冊截止日期 : 2018-12-13
有關組別之資格預審前研習小時 : 1.5
Divisional PQSL Hour(s) : 1.5
地點 : 香港上環干諾道中111號永安中心12樓 1207室測量師研習中心
部門 : QSD
主辦者 : Quantity Surveying Division
費用 : HK$120 for members; HK$180 for non-members (HK$30 walk-in surcharge on all prices listed)
名額 : QSD Members; First-come-first-served
語言 : Cantonese supplemented by English
詳情 :


As UAV is widely used in surveying, safety and cost are major concerns for operation, monitoring, inspection, etc..  The Speaker will discuss these concerns with a view to facilitating surveying practitioners for devising the contract requirements.


備註 :

Closing Date extended to 13 December 2018

付款 : HKD 120
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks