編號 : 2023056
項目名 : GPD Visit to Guangdong Greater Bay Area (產業測量組廣東省大灣區考察團)
學會持續專業發展編號 : Formal Events
日期 : 2023-04-06
時間 : 6 April 2023 (Thursday) to 8 April 2023 (Saturday), 3 Days 2 nights
註冊截止日期 : 2023-03-24
有關組別之資格預審前研習小時 : 10
地點 : Please refer to ''Details''
部門 : GPD
主辦者 : General Practice Division
費用 : HK$1,600 for corporate members elected within 5 years/probationer/student member (Quota: 15 pax.); HK$2,000 for HKIS member. (For joint application submitted together, a deduction of $400 would be applied to each of the 2 members sharing a Twin Bed Room)
名額 : Total Quota: 30 pax. Priority to GPD members and probationer/ student members (First-come-first-served.)
語言 : Mandarin and Cantonese
詳情 :

Draft Itinerary:


      Gathering Time: 8:00 a.m. on 6 April 2023 (Thursday) at Kowloon Tong MTR station


      Departure - 6 April 2023 (Thursday) - Tour bus departs from Kowloon Tong MTR station


      Return - 8 April 2023 (Saturday) - Tour bus departs from Guangzhou and dismiss at Kowloon Tong MTR station


Day 1






6 April 2023 (Thu)








   考察【深圳國際創新谷】- 機械人的生活應用; 東微智能-音視頻創新科技










Day 2



7 April 2023 (Fri)








   考察當地重點發展經濟產業(一) : 【新能源汽車產業】- 了解當下新能源汽車製造與安裝技術的最新發展



   考察當地重點發展經濟產業(二) : 【生物科技產業】- 了解生物技術、藥物、醫療器械等領域的變革性創新




Day 3



8 April 2023 (Sat)


   參觀【廣州太古匯】- 廣州標誌性地產項目











   1. 住宿 - 五星酒店或同級 ;
   2. 費用已包括旅行社提供的基本團體旅遊保險,建議參加者自行購買額外的個人旅遊保險;
   3. 以上為草擬規劃行程,或因接待單位及其他因素有所變動, 學會保留調整行程的權利。

備註 :

Closing Date : 24th March 2023

(Online registration is NOT accepted for this CPD event. First-come-first-served with duly completed Standard CPD Registration Form, Declaration Form and payment.)

付款 : HKD
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Face-to-Face