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20 Jul, 2017 Bastille Post 測量師學會建議當局把私人土地「解鎖」 HKIS, Immediate Past President and Chairman of Land Policy Panel Sr C K Lau, Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho, Housing Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Chan
20 Jul, 2017 Commercial Radio 測量師學會關注合法劏房安全及衞生問題 HKIS, President Sr Thomas Ho
20 Jul, 2017 Epoch Times 測量師學會提7大建議 HKIS, Immediate Past President and Chairman of Land Policy Panel Sr C K Lau, Housing Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Chan
20 Jul, 2017 etnet 測量師學會:促私人機構釋放土地,另覓棕地作業用地 HKIS
20 Jul, 2017 etnet 測量師學會:首置盤不應補價,郊野公園邊陲省成本 HKIS, Immediate Past President and Chairman of Land Policy Panel Sr C K Lau, Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho, Housing Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Chan
20 Jul, 2017 HK01 測量師學會就土地房屋政策向政府提七大建議 HKIS, Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
20 Jul, 2017 Hong Kong Economic Journal 香港測量師學會就土地房屋政策提出七大建議 HKIS, President Sr Thomas Ho
20 Jul, 2017 Metro Finance 測量師學會建議完善置業階梯 HKIS
20 Jul, 2017 Metro Finance 測量師學會建議放寛工廈地契工業用途定義 HKIS
20 Jul, 2017 Metro Finance 測量師學會指政府應精簡土地的規劃及行政程序 President Sr Thomas Ho, Immediate Past President and Chairman of Land Policy Panel Sr C K Lau, Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho, Housing Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Chan