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8 Jul, 2017 Metro Finance Part 1: (From 24:03 to 29:48) Immediate Past President and Chairman of Land Policy Panel Sr C K Lau
6 Jul, 2017 Singtao Daily 專欄「高深可測」:建築測量師有何角色? HKIS, BSD Vice Chairman Sr Kenny Tse
5 Jul, 2017 China News 香港房協撥出750處資助出售屋 或掀搶購潮 Chairman of Housing Policy Panel Sr C K Chan
5 Jul, 2017 RTHK Backchat: Carrie Lam's housing and land policies (From 30:50 to 46:00) Sr C K Lau, Immediate Past President and Chairman of Land Policy Panel of HKIS
5 Jul, 2017 Ta Kung Pao 回應市民置業訴求房協擬撥三幢750單位 明華大廈變身資助出售屋 Chairman of Housing Policy Panel Sr C K Chan
4 Jul, 2017 Ming Pao 發展局黃偉綸:首務長遠土地規劃 HKIS
3 Jul, 2017 RTHK 鏗鏘集 數。說二十年 (From 14:53 to 18:38) Vice-President Sr Dr Lesly Lam
28 Jun, 2017 Ming Pao 一帶一路尼國援建項目 港測量師克服強震竣工 President Sr Thomas Ho
24 Jun, 2017 Property Times 再談天台、平台與花園之別(上) Past President Sr Vincent Ho
23 Jun, 2017 Headline Daily 多用於簡單建築物 可燃聚乙烯鋁板 港常見 HKIS