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23 Jun, 2017 Now Part 1 Immediate Past President and Chairman of Land Policy Panel Sr C K Lau
23 Jun, 2017 Recruit 測量專業 心中有數 President Sr Thomas Ho
23 Jun, 2017 Sing Tao 業界:供應滯後跟不上 Vice-President & PDD Past Chairman
22 Jun, 2017 HKET 測量師:雷暴後放晴 塌石屎高危 Past President & Past BSD Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
22 Jun, 2017 Sing Tao 專欄「高深可測」:怎樣的物業管理才算理想? PFMD Vice Chairman Sr Daniel Hui
21 Jun, 2017 Bastillepost 業界批屋宇署防火間隔規例落後 HKIS
19 Jun, 2017 Apple Daily 永安:將聘顧問檢視護牆板物料 HKIS
19 Jun, 2017 East Week 【倫敦大火】被指外牆使用與起火大廈同款隔熱板 永安中心:似乎相同 HKIS
19 Jun, 2017 ejinsight Wing On Centre to undergo fire risk inspection after London fire HKIS
19 Jun, 2017 Ming Pao 鋁板建築方法異於英火災樓 永安:聘顧問檢視大廈防火 HKIS