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14 Jun, 2017 ETNET 「2018年度優質建築大獎」現正接受提名 HKIS, President Sr Thomas Ho
14 Jun, 2017 ETNET Quality Building Award 2018 Now Open for Nomination HKIS, President Sr Thomas Ho
13 Jun, 2017 NOW Part 1 Past President Sr Vincent Ho
10 Jun, 2017 Metro Finance 新城地產街 估價環節:市場內望 (From 06:59 to 29:51) President Sr Thomas Ho
10 Jun, 2017 VINVEST 【土地問題】開發棕地 望梅難止渴 Immediate Past President and Chairman of Land Policy Panel Sr C K Lau
9 Jun, 2017 Hong Kong Economic Times 建築測量師獎 表彰業界貢獻 HKIS, President Sr Thomas Ho
9 Jun, 2017 Wen Wei Po 建造業見林鄭 批拉布阻生計 HKIS
8 Jun, 2017 Next Magazine 【塌屋頂不檢控】工程師:放生城大 又放生官員 Past President Sr Vincent Ho
8 Jun, 2017 Sing Tao 高深可測: 學生也可以規劃理想社區 HKIS, Vice-President Sr Dr Lesly Lam
4 Jun, 2017 Oriental Daily 馬頭圍公僕舊樓重建無寸進 政府懶懶閒 Past President Sr Vincent Ho