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12 May, 2017 Hong Kong Economic Journal 工廠食堂多違契 促收緊審批監管 Past President Sr Vincent Ho
12 May, 2017 Ming Pao 房署跟進違規裝修 被批「散漫欠積極」 Past President Sr Vincent Ho
12 May, 2017 TVB時事多面睇 時事多面睇--賓館變酒店(From 03:57 to 10:17) Past President Sr Vincent Ho
11 May, 2017 HK01 【私樓維修.來稿】造價應全面評估 劃一單價未必合理 HKIS QSD
11 May, 2017 RTHK 自由風自由Phone 申訴專員指工廠食堂違規招待公眾情況普遍 (From 23:54 to 30:52) Past President Sr Vincent Ho
11 May, 2017 Sing Tao 樓價升不升,受甚麼因素影響? HKIS Research Committee Member Sr Thomas Lam
9 May, 2017 Apple Daily 【即將出手】資產估值不合理惹關注 業界點醒你3大高危位! HKIS
8 May, 2017 SCMP Spanner in the dreamworks Immediate Past President and Chairman of Land Policy Panel Sr C K Lau
4 May, 2017 Oriental Daily 舊工廈地契未列用途 入伙紙可作執法依據 Past President Sr Vincent Ho
3 May, 2017 East Week 迷你倉天后劏出近四億生意王國 Past President Sr Vincent Ho