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26 May, 2016 SCMP Green roofs should be tracked, surveyors say Immediate Past President Sr Vincent Ho
26 May, 2016 政府急查「綠頂」 四建築證安全 Immediate Past President Sr Vincent Ho
26 May, 2016 Sing Pao 教局提醒學校注意綠化工程 Immediate Past President Sr Vincent Ho
26 May, 2016 Sing Tao 政府急查「綠頂」 四建築證安全 工程需否入則 屋署周內有指引 Immediate Past President Sr Vincent Ho
26 May, 2016 Sky Post 測量師學會擬助百校 免費驗綠化天台 Immediate Past President Sr Vincent Ho
26 May, 2016 Ta Kung Pao 測量師學會倡納小型工程監管 Immediate Past President Sr Vincent Ho
26 May, 2016 Ta Kung 議員就城大事故提緊急質詢 發展局:正調查原因 Immediate Past President Sr Vincent Ho
26 May, 2016 The Standard Pro team volunteers to check roofs Immediate Past President Sr Vincent Ho
26 May, 2016 Wen Wei Po 測量師會義驗校園綠天台 義工隊提供跟進建議冀3個月處理百個案 Immediate Past President Sr Vincent Ho
25 May, 2016 Bastille Post 測量師學會組義工隊 免費檢查百校綠化天台 Immediate Past President Sr Vincent Ho