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28 Aug, 2020 HK01 前房署助理署長為樓宇看病30年 驗徙廈避塌樓危機:保養是學問 HKIS Best Development and Conservation Award
17 Aug, 2020 Hong Kong Economic Times 【畢業搵工】測量行業渴才 畢業生就業近百分百 YSG Chairman Sr Kirsten Lam
17 Aug, 2020 TTGassociations Rising on home ground Board of Professional Development Chairman Sr Jeffrey Wong
14 Aug, 2020 HK01 「黑廁」遺禍深遠 政府須還廁所陽光空氣 Past President Sr Vincent Ho
14 Aug, 2020 Hong Kong Economic Times 抗疫基金支援業界 聘畢業生助理人員 YSG Chairman Sr Kirsten Lam
14 Aug, 2020 Hong Kong Economic Times 測量專業6大組別 宜依專長加入 YSG Chairman Sr Kirsten Lam
14 Aug, 2020 Hong Kong Economic Times 測量行業渴才 畢業生就業近百分百 YSG Chairman Sr Kirsten Lam
12 Aug, 2020 HK01 業主逆市未減劏房租兼濫收水電費 劏房小組主席形容不理想 Past President Sr Vincent Ho
10 Aug, 2020 RTHK 有測量師倡防疫角度解決住屋問題 仿效日本避難手冊 PDD Chairman Sr Francis Lam
6 Aug, 2020 Sing Tao 專欄「高深可測」: 測量創未來 前路由我創 YSG Honorary Secretary Sr Wilson Ko