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24 May, 2018 RTHK 明華大廈地盤鋼筋未達標 麥美娟促房協跟進有無人違法 Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
24 May, 2018 Sing Pao 房協重建筲箕灣明華大廈 承建商趕工偷步 7.5噸鋼筋不合格 Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
23 May, 2018 TVB 日日有樓睇 – 長者安居系列 Housing Policy Panel Sr Francis Lam
16 May, 2018 South China Morning Post How proptech is changing Hong Kong’s property industry LSD Chairman Sr Dr Conrad Tang
7 May, 2018 Metro Finance 新城地產街 President Sr Dick Kwok
3 May, 2018 Apple Daily 地產潮文:買新樓留意管理雜費 HKIS
2 May, 2018 Now News Part 1 Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
2 May, 2018 TVB 日日有樓睇 專業界別普遍認為,發展農地及填海,可以加快土地供應。測量師劉振江有何看法? Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
30 Apr, 2018 Hong Kong Economic Journal 工程師朱沛坤倡建摩天住宅解屋荒 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
30 Apr, 2018 Ming Pao 工程師倡黃竹坑建16幢百層高住宅 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho