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23 Feb, 2018 Hong Kong Economic Times 測量師會:檢討補價機制 收窄分歧 President Sr Dick Kwok, GPD Chairman Sr K K Chiu, BSD Vice-Chairman Sr Arthur Cheung
23 Feb, 2018 Sing Tao 測量師學會:冀加快土地改畫 GPD Chairman Sr K K Chiu, BSD Vice-Chairman Sr Arthur Cheung
23 Feb, 2018 Sing Tao 測量師學會新任會長上任 President Sr Dick Kwok, Senior Vice-President Sr Dr Tony Leung, LSD Honorary Treasurer Sr Tony Wan, Immediate Past President Sr Thomas Ho
23 Feb, 2018 The Standard Giant sees bright road ahead HKIS
22 Feb, 2018 Hong Kong Economic Times 香港測量師學會向政府獻計 望樓宇達至零僭建 President Sr Dick Kwok, BSD Vice-Chairman Sr Arthur Cheung
22 Feb, 2018 Hong Kong Economic Times 香港測量師學會成立小組研補地價機制 望縮短時序 GPD Chairman Sr K K Chiu
22 Feb, 2018 Sing Tao 香港測量師學會:冀縮短土地估價程序加快改畫 GPD Chairman Sr K K Chiu
21 Feb, 2018 Ta Kung Pao 出席專資會交流介紹「一帶一路」大灣區建設 林鄭:港具人才培訓優勢 HKIS
15 Feb, 2018 Headline Daily 嚇窒貨櫃屋商家 建築新指引造價升三倍 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
15 Feb, 2018 Sing Tao 星島專欄:港深廣創新走廊之大規劃 PDD Chairman Sr Edmond Yew