Date    Media    Topic / Heading    Exposure   
10 Jan, 2018 Sing Pao 還原每個地庫 工程費數百萬元 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
9 Jan, 2018 HK01 僭建之城? 解構香港僭建多的四大原因 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
9 Jan, 2018 Hong Kong Economic Times 中學生參與 重新規劃深水埗 HKIS, Immediate Past President Sr Thomas Ho
9 Jan, 2018 Ming Pao 地庫永久填補料需幾百萬僭建業主可被控 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
9 Jan, 2018 NOW 何鉅業:檢控僭建搜證困難 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
9 Jan, 2018 SCMP Hong Kong lawyer equips himself with qualifications in quest to become CEO of listed company PDD Immediate Past Chairman Sr Prof James Pong
9 Jan, 2018 Sing Tao 倘累積加息兩厘影響浮現 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
8 Jan, 2018 HK01 【鄭若驊涉僭建】僭建地庫若回填 測量師:工程費可達數百萬元 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
7 Jan, 2018 Hong Kong Commercial Daily 履新即被疑私宅僭建 鄭若驊認警覺性不足致歉 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
7 Jan, 2018 Sing Tao 「區區有特色」得獎作品展覽 HKIS