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7 Jan, 2018 Sing Tao 「鄰居」丈夫當司機 妻坐後排往宣誓 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
7 Jan, 2018 Ta Kung Pao 專家:如按指示改正可免法律責任 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
7 Jan, 2018 Ta Kung Pao 鄭若驊:倘證大宅僭建儘快改正 配合屋署調查 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
7 Jan, 2018 TVB 專家稱若僭建物非鄭若驊主動所建 改正後可避法律責任 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
6 Jan, 2018 CP Jobs Surveyor and executive Dr Lesly Lam Lik-shan has many strings to his bow Vice-President (2016-17) Sr Dr Lesly Lam
6 Jan, 2018 RTHK 專家稱若僭建物非鄭若驊主動所建 改正後可避法律責任 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
6 Jan, 2018 RTHK 陳智思以鄭若驊為例指空降做官風險高 范太稱應拆僭建 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
6 Jan, 2018 SCMP Relishing the challenge: Dr Lesly Lam Lik-shan has many strings to his bow Vice-President (2016-17) Sr Dr Lesly Lam
6 Jan, 2018 Wen Wei Po 盤點香港反對派「僭建王」TOP 10 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
5 Jan, 2018 Ta Kung Pao 「區區有特色」得獎作品展覽 HKIS