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23 Oct, 2017 HKEJ Giant noise barrier in Mong Kok draws mixed response Sr Vincent Ho, Chairman of Building Policy Panel
23 Oct, 2017 HKFP Mong Kok shop installs noise barrier to block loud music from pedestrian zone Sr Vincent Ho, Chairman of Building Policy Panel
23 Oct, 2017 Oriental Daily 3D空間數據庫提升城市管理規劃 HKIS
23 Oct, 2017 Oriental Daily 理大設數據分析實驗室 冀助港發展智慧城市 HKIS
23 Oct, 2017 TVB時事多面睇 TVB時事多面睇 (From 4:40 to 5:05) GPD Council Member Sr Alnwick Chan
20 Oct, 2017 HK01 買樓前需知 查公契了解維修責任 提防隱形收費 HKIS
18 Oct, 2017 Phoenix Television 時事大破解 President Sr Thomas Ho
16 Oct, 2017 Oriental Daily 升學就業信箱:本地或海外攻讀測量 HKIS
16 Oct, 2017 Sing Tao 六長約地批貨櫃碼頭 擴大競爭力 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
16 Oct, 2017 Ta Kung Pao 地盡其用倡增透明度避嫌 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau