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16 Oct, 2017 Ta Kung Pao 林鄭談首置盤土地來源:地積比率偏低的新界土地 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
15 Oct, 2017 Oriental Daily 屋宇署年底推組合屋作業備考 HKIS
15 Oct, 2017 Ta Kung Pao 組裝合成屋作業備考年底推出 HKIS
15 Oct, 2017 Wen Wei Po 屋署:料年底推「組裝合成」建築法 HKIS, President Sr Thomas Ho
14 Oct, 2017 組裝合成建築法正草擬 屋宇署料年底推出 HKIS, President Sr Thomas Ho
13 Oct, 2017 Ming Pao 樓換樓半年退稅期擬延至9月 地產界料無助二手成交 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Sr C K Lau
12 Oct, 2017 Apply Daily 活化工廈 研調低強拍門檻 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
12 Oct, 2017 「GoHome Awards 2017」各獎項得獎者正式揭盅 HKIS
12 Oct, 2017 Sing Tao 「五招」增過渡性住屋供應 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
12 Oct, 2017 Sing Tao 星島專欄:規劃及發展測量師工作是甚麼? Vice-President Sr Dr Tony Leung