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2 Sep, 2017 SCMP Dr Tony Leung, HKIS vice-president, has fitted a lot into a varied career in Hong Kong’s property sector Vice-President Sr Dr Tony LEUNG
2 Sep, 2017 SCMP Classified Post Man for all seasons Vice-President Sr Dr Tony LEUNG
1 Sep, 2017 Wen Wei Po 「土地供應專責小組」建議應具前瞻性 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
31 Aug, 2017 Hong Kong Commercial Daily 領軍土供專組推動社會研討 黃遠輝:大辯論尋供地共識 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
31 Aug, 2017 Hong Kong Economic Times 香港社會 欠缺開發土地共識 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
31 Aug, 2017 Hong Kong Economic Times 黃元山:土地專組 宜估算需求 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
31 Aug, 2017 Ming Pao 土地小組兩員撐填海 林超英促先考慮現有土地建屋 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
31 Aug, 2017 Oriental Daily 土地專組聚焦發展原則 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
31 Aug, 2017 Sing Tao 星島專欄:「居家安老」有何難處? Housing Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Chan
31 Aug, 2017 Ta Kung Pao 黃遠輝:覓地專注討論發展原則 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau