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31 Aug, 2017 Wen Wei Po 土地專組料最快一年交報告 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
30 Aug, 2017 Apple Daily 【覓地小組】成員指未來要多9千公頃地 冀以成本收益取代情緒化判斷 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
30 Aug, 2017 East Week 土地供應專責小組成員劉振江:覓地不等於與現有環境有衝突 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
30 Aug, 2017 林超英:期望政府不要因為急於覓地而拋棄制度及原則 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
30 Aug, 2017 Hong Kong Economic Journal 土地供應小組劉振江:覓地與保育無衝突 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
30 Aug, 2017 Hong Kong Economic Times 劉振江:土地供應小組將為土地供應來源定優次 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
30 Aug, 2017 Metro Finance 劉振江指小組會先就土地供應大方向達共識 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
30 Aug, 2017 NOW 土地專組兩成員支持發展郊野公園 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
30 Aug, 2017 post 852 林超英批專責小組缺環保康樂代表 籲港府考慮現有土地而非造地 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
28 Aug, 2017 etnet 《本港樓市》土地供應專家小組將成立,引導社會進行土供大辯論 HKIS