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28 Aug, 2017 Hong Kong Economic Times 土地供應專家小組 料本周成立 HKIS, President Sr Thomas Ho
28 Aug, 2017 SCMP Conservationists up in arms as owner plans to tear down Garden Building to make way for offices President Sr Thomas Ho
28 Aug, 2017 SCMP Dismay at plan to demolish garden company factory President Sr Thomas Ho
24 Aug, 2017 etnet 「天鴿」橫掃 杏花邨巨浪如海嘯 停車場遭淹沒 PFMD Past Chairman Sr Gary Yeung
24 Aug, 2017 Sky Post 「天鴿」橫掃 杏花邨巨浪如海嘯 停車場淹浸數十座駕 車主無奈 PFMD Past Chairman Sr Gary Yeung
24 Aug, 2017 Ta Kung Pao 「樓殼保險」保障「嚇親」可民事索償 PFMD Past Chairman Sr Gary Yeung
22 Aug, 2017 Hong Kong Economic Journal 南區豪宅一劏18 百呎海景房租9500 門口與床3步之遙 6呎男「抬不起頭」 BSD Vice-Chairman Sr Kenny Tse
20 Aug, 2017 Oriental Daily 綠置居廚廁 牆薄兼中空 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
20 Aug, 2017 Sing Tao 「區區有特色」比賽 深水埗成首個主題 HKIS, President Sr Thomas Ho, Senior Vice-President Sr Dick Kwok
20 Aug, 2017 Ta Kung Pao 學生遊嘉頓總部 領略城市規劃 HKIS, President Sr Thomas Ho