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20 Aug, 2017 Wen Wei Po 學生訪深水埗 構建理想社區 HKIS, President Sr Thomas Ho
19 Aug, 2017 Bastille Post 測量師學會辦地區發展創作比賽 探討重建與保育 President Sr Thomas Ho
19 Aug, 2017 Headline Daily 測量師學會帶學生遊走嘉頓中心 感受社區變遷 President Sr Thomas Ho
19 Aug, 2017 Metro Finance 「新城地產街」一周樓市/樓市熱話/地產界名人專訪:樓市焦點/地產名人堂 (From 09:00 to 29:51) Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
19 Aug, 2017 SCMP Law delays fail to bring clarity GPD Chairman Sr CHIU Kam-kuen
19 Aug, 2017 Sing Tao 測量師學會帶學生遊走嘉頓中心 感受社區變遷 President Sr Thomas Ho
18 Aug, 2017 HK Institute of Surveyors: Land Premium Largest Headwind for Redeveloping Industrial Complex" Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
18 Aug, 2017 測量師學會:補地價成單一業權工廈重建阻力 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
18 Aug, 2017 China Daily Hong Kong Edition Pragmatic approach needed to meet housing demand HKIS
18 Aug, 2017 Metro Finance 何鉅業指立法強制工廈業主安裝消防系統可行性 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho