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15 Aug, 2017 TVB 時事多面睇:工廈火警(From 04:52 to 06:42) Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
14 Aug, 2017 Commercial Radio 在晴朗的一天出發 (From 09:38 to 18:20) Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
14 Aug, 2017 Headline Daily 【獨家】「三盤數」應付三部門業界叫苦連天 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
14 Aug, 2017 Headline Daily 測量師倡先增人手處理積壓申請 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
14 Aug, 2017 Hong Kong Economic Journal 租管解燃眉急 業主關恐難過 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
14 Aug, 2017 RTHK 回應工廈致命火 何鉅業稱海棉或乳膠隔音棉缺阻燃能力 Past President and Building Policy Panel Chairman Sr Vincent Ho
14 Aug, 2017 Sing Tao 【獨家】「三盤數」應付三部門業界叫苦連天 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
14 Aug, 2017 Sing Tao 【獨家】測量師倡先增人手處理積壓申請 Immediate Past President and Land Policy Panel Chairman Sr C K Lau
14 Aug, 2017 新樓潮帶旺需求 物管年增2000職位 引發牌制度利整體待遇 HKIS
13 Aug, 2017 Oriental Daily 房協將軍澳資助屋圖則曝光 推「六門歸心」「黑廁」設計 Housing Policy Panel Sr C K Chan