Sr HUNG Chuen Ka, Charles
Dialogue with the Media on the PFM’s Roles of Combatting Covid-19 Reported by Sr Jonathan Lee, PFMD Vice Chairman Dialogue with the Media on the PFM’s Roles of Combatting Covid-19
Reported by Sr Jonathan Lee, PFMD Vice Chairman
On 4 April, I attended a live interview with The Metro Finance Reporter (新城財經台) regarding the efficient and proper procedures of distributing the Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT) kits and the difficulties encountered, anti-epidemic measures in the PFM industry (ie, frequent disinfections and cleanings of common areas, body temperature checks, defective drainage pipe inspections, improved ventilation, etc), and updates on the licencing of the Property Management Services Authority’s roughly 6,400 members. For more details, please refer to the following interview on YouTube: TKeiZe2D_Ss.
Message from PFMD Chairman - April 2022 (whole message)