Message from PDD Chairman (September 2010)

Breakdown on the Apportioned Share of Common Area in Sales Brochures Recently the HKIS was officially requested by the HKSAR Government Transport and Housing Bureau to advise on whether it is technically possible (and if possible then how to) for developers to provide breakdown on the apportioned share of common area which is counted to the Gross Floor Area of a unit in sales brochures. This is the Housing Bureau's follow-up action based on the recommendation of the Sustainable Development Council's Report on Measures to Foster a Quality and Sustainable Built Environment published in June 2010. In this connection, the HKIS Executive Council had endorsed to set up a Measuring Practice Committee to take care of this matter. PDD had sent Mr Raymond Chan and Mr Albert So (both are the PDD Vice Chairmen) as the Division's representatives to the Committee. CPD Events On 26 October 2010, we shall have Mr Albert So, who is our Vice Chairman of the PDD and a seasoned planning and development surveyor, to deliver a very interesting CPD talk on the land use and planning of Columbarium in Hong Kong. Certainly it is a recent hot topic since a short supply of columbarium has already been encountered by the general public. This talk will examine the causes for the shortfall of columbarium supply and what land and planning procedures that public and private columbaria have to go through. We trust Mr So will let you have a very fruitful talk and please don't miss this opportunity. The forthcoming PDD Council Meeting will be held on 24 September evening.