Code : 2012027D
Event Name : Provisional List of Expert Witness on Water Seepage Disputes - Diagnosis of water seepage sources
CPD Code : Formal Events
Speaker : CC Tsang, Albert Wong & Samson Wong
Event Date : 2012-03-29
Event Time : 6:30-9:30p.m.(Thursday)
Registration Closing Date : 2012-03-15
CPD Hour(s) : 3
Venue : Surveyors Learning Centre, Suite 811, 8/F., Jardine House, Central, Hong Kong
Division : BSD
Fee : $200
Details :

Whilst we are on the way to establish a full list of expert witness on water seepage disputes which will be accessible to the general public, a provisional list will be set up in the meantime to deal with requests for nomination received from litigating parties and court from time to time.

The provisional list will be open to those BSD members who:-

  1. are Fellow members or with a minimum of 10 years post-qualification experience;

  2. have prepared at least 5 expert witness reports on water seepage dispute for litigation purpose in the past 5 years; and

  3. have attended court to give evidence on water seepage dispute.

Notwithstanding the above three criteria, any member who has acquired comparable experience in the related dispute resolution cases may make an application for consideration.

In this regard, you are cordially invited to subscribe to the list by completing and returning the Application Form for the consideration of Expert on Water Seepage Appointment Panel.

The above criteria will be subject to revision and the provisional list will lapse should the full list be in force or as determined by BSD.

Structured Learning Course of Expert Witness on Water Seepage Disputes

The demand for expert witness on water seepage disputes is on the rise which is evident from the steady stream of requests for nomination addressed to the HKIS. This offers a thriving opportunity for our building surveying members given our proficiency and expertise on defect diagnosis.

In this respect, a structured learning course comprising a series of seminars and workshop will be held with a view to equipping our members with the necessary knowledge to act as an expert witness. For those members who yet to have plan or relevant experience to act as expert witness, the structured course would also be beneficial in the light of the forthcoming implementation of MBIS. The course would certainly help strengthen and sharpen our skills in defect diagnosis and preparation of survey report.

The course will be delivered by our members with extensive experience in water seepage disputes and expert witness and supported by legal practitioners from the legal prospective.

Details of the first series of the course are as follows:-


Module No

CPD Code No


Date and Time





Preparation of expert report

  • necessary techniques and “Dos and Don’ts” in preparing an expert report for submission to the court

17 March 2012




David Chan



Professional ethics and role of expert witness

22 March 2012




James Pong & practicing legal practitioner





Law of evidence for surveyors

27 March 2012




30 March 2012





James Pong, Leung Hing Fung & practicing legal practitioner



Diagnosis of water seepage sources

29 March 2012


6:30 - 9:30 pm



CC Tsang, Albert Wong & Samson Wong



Court procedure workshop

  • participants will be required to study and prepare a hypothetical case before attending this moot court workshop

31 March 2012




(With maximum quota of 20)


The structured learning course will be run on a module basis and participants are free to subscribe to one or more modules. Those who intend to enrol in the court procedure workshop must first complete Modules 1 to 4.

Due to the resource and arrangement required, there will only be limited spaces for the court procedure workshop in the first series. Further workshops will be organised at some later dates to be fixed.

In the long run, the course will be held regularly and only those members who completed this structural learning course with the relevant qualification and experience will be considered for inclusion in the full list of Expert Witness on Water Seepage Disputes.

Payment : HKD 200
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks