Code : 2012055
Event Name : The Meaning of ''House''' and Rules of Interpretation
CPD Code : Formal Events
Speaker : Mr Louie Chan, FHKIS, Barrister-at-law
Event Date : 2012-06-28
Event Time : 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm (Thursday)
Registration Closing Date : 2012-06-14
CPD Hour(s) : 1.5
Venue : Surveyors Learning Centre, Suite 811, 8/F., Jardine House, Central, Hong Kong
Division : GPD
Fee : HK$120 for member; HK$150 for non-member (HK$30 walk in surcharge for all pricings listed)
Priority : GPD Members; First-come-first-served
Language : English / Cantonese
Details :

In CACV87/2011 Fully Profit (Asia) Limited v. the Secretary for Justice (for and on behalf of the Director of Lands) CACV87/2011, the Court of Appeal reversed the decision of the Court of First Instance. The speaker will make a comparison of issues raised in the Court of Appeal and the court below and discuss some relevant rules of interpretation.

Remarks :


Payment : HKD 120
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks