Code : 2013022
Event Name : Land Surveyors and the Law
CPD Code : Formal Events
Speaker : Mr Edmond Cheung
Senior Land Surveyor, Lands Department
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Event Date : 2013-03-07
Event Time : 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Registration Closing Date : 2013-02-28
CPD Hour(s) : 1.5
Venue : 12/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Division : LSD
Fee : HK$120 for members; HK$150 for non-members
Priority : LSD members; First-come-first-served
Language : Cantonese supplemented by English
Details :

In the HKIS CPD talk on “Boundaries – What the Law Says” held in June 2012, Sr Edmond Cheung inspired the audience with a new spectrum on the land surveying and shared a number of court judgments related to determination of land boundaries. At the end of his talk, Mr Cheung kindly agreed to summarise and post the court judgments with explanations in his personal blog for sharing.

 In Hong Kong, the old Government Lease/Grant Plans are inadequate to serve the present day development purpose. However, as shared in Sr Cheung’s blog, the Common Law has provided the legal principles for re-solving the majority of the “land boundary problems”, if not all.

With the modern and accurate surveying technology today, Sr Cheung opines that the outstanding issues are to re-survey the boundaries of old Government Leases and to provide high standard and accurate records of land boundaries, contributing to the certainty and precision of land being transacted, and avoiding the costly land boundary disputes.

In this talk, Sr Cheung will further elaborate the legal principles of the re-solving the “land boundary problems”. He will also explain the law of “boundary agreements”. (The URL of Sr Cheung’s blog is

Payment : HKD 120
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks