Code : 2013064
Event Name : Facilities Management Approach for Data Centre Building
CPD Code : Formal Events
Speaker : David Chan,
Head of Corporate Real Estate & Facilities Management,
Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd.
HKIA, RIBA, MCIOB, Registered Architect, BA(Arch), MSc

David Chan is the Head of Corporate Real Estate & Facilities Management of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd. (HKEx), who holds a Master Degree in Economics and Management and is also a qualified Architect in Hong Kong. He has over 20 years’ experience in property development and facility management industry, working in the public, private sector as well as financial institutions. Prior to joining HKEx, David held senior management positions at The Link REIT, Knight Frank and MTR Corporation and worked on several major property development and infrastructure projects in Hong Kong, Mainland China and across Asia.
Event Date : 2013-07-19
Event Time : 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Registration Closing Date : 2013-07-19
CPD Hour(s) : 1.5
Venue : Surveyors Learning Centre, Room 120712/F, Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Division : GPD PFMD
Fee : HK$120 for member; HK$150 for non-member (HK$30 walk in surcharged for all pricings listed)
Priority : GPD & PFMD members; first come first served
Language : English (Supplement with Cantonese)
Details :

HKEx Data Centre was newly completed and put into full operation in January 2013, which is a five-storey building located at Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estates.  This purpose-built building is directly owned and operated by HKEx, consolidating the primary data centres for all of HKEx’s markets and serving various functional cores including numerous data halls, building facilities operations, ancillary offices, canteen, recreational amenities, building management system as well as integrated physical security system.  HKEx Data Centre is also one of the most energy-efficient and green data centres in Asia which has been awarded with the LEED Gold standard.

Payment : HKD 120
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks