Code : 2013073
Event Name : YSG Study Tour 2013 - Xiamen
CPD Code : Formal Events
Event Date : 2013-10-10
Event Time : 4日3夜
CPD Hour(s) : 10
Venue : 廈門
Division : YSG
Fee : Members: HKD $3000 (包括香港往返廈門機票、住宿、交通及膳食。參加者可按個人需要購買旅行保險)
Priority : YSG Members; First-come-first-served; Quota: 40
Details :
日期: 2013年10月10日至10月13日(4日3夜)
地點: 廈門
  • 拜訪當地與規劃及測量相關的政府機構
  • 參觀私人發展項目
  • 拜訪廈門大學
  • 參觀鼓浪嶼


Remarks :

Closing Date: September 25, 2013 (all the payment should be settled by 25 September 2013)
Online registration is NOT accepted for this event.


  1. Please fill in the attached Declaration Form together with Standard Reservation Form for this CPD event.
  2. First-come-first-served with duly completed Standard Reservation Form, Declaration Form and payment.
  3. Latecomers will NOT be picked up.


Payment : HKD
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks