Code : YSG/S/201613
Event Name : Summer Flower Basket Arrangement Workshop 插花班
CPD Code : Formal Events
Speaker : Ms. Monique Leung
Ms. Monique Leung, founder of the Maison M, graduated from the University of Southern California (USC) with major in Economics. She started working in the financial industry in Hong Kong upon graduation. Yet, floral arrangement has always been a hobby to Monique. Upon attending endless one on one floral classes in Las Vegas School of Floral Design, Monique found a new meaning in life. She later founded Maison M with the aim of providing joy and happiness to people. Her impeccable taste and passion enable her to think out of the box, as well as create artistic floral arrangements which are simultaneously visually stunning and able to deliver special messages to its recipients.
身為網上花店 Maison M 的創辦人,Monique畢業於美國南加州大學的經濟系。回港後曾投身於金融業,但因興趣一向是花藝設計,更曾在美國跟花藝大師學習, 故本想做財女的她最後還是選擇了順從自己的心意,展開了她的創業之旅。加上不斷的自學及創新,以及社交媒體的迅速發展,令到Maison M 的作品很快傳開去,以吸引許多為了買Monique獨一無二作品的顧客。因曾在外國留學,Monique的思想及創意都比較寛,勇於不斷嘗試新東西和反傳統,其中故事花藝是做得比較出色的一環。流行的玻璃瓶保鮮及捧鮮花盒也大受歡迎。Monique說因每天都能對着美美的花及看到收花者的喜悅,令她越做越起勁,客人的笑容就是她最大的原動力。每天都處於好心情的她,終明白將自己興趣轉成事業是一件十分幸福的事。
Event Date : 2016-11-05
Event Time : 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
CPD Hour(s) : 0
Venue : Surveyors Learning Centre, Room 1207, 12/F, Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Division : YSG
Fee : HK$380 for HKIS YSG members; HK$400 for HKIS but non-YSG members; HK$420 for non-members; (HK$30 walk-in surcharge on all prices listed)
Priority : 30 persons only; First-come-first-served basis with priority to YSG Members
Language : Cantonese
Details :

This 2-hour class will guide you ways to beautifully arrange a flower basket with seasonal flowers provided by the speaker. All materials needed will be provided, including a basket, seasonal flowers, a flower foam, ribbons and scissors. This course enables you to bring your masterpiece home and deliver the joy to your loved ones.


Reference pictures only:

Remarks :

Closing date: 5 November 2016

CPD Coupon is NOT accepted.

To register, please fill in the Standard Reservation Form and return together with the payment to the HKIS. Should you have queries, please email us at [email protected]  or contact Ms Donna Yu at 2526 3679.

Payment : HKD
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks