Code : 2020122
Event Name : Land Sharing Pilot Scheme
CPD Code : Formal Events
Speaker : Mr. Thomas LEUNG - Head/ Land Sharing Office, Development Bureau

Mr. Thomas LEUNG retired as an Assistant Director of the Buildings Department and continued to serve the industry. Before heading the Land Sharing Office, he was a consultant for the Steering Group of the Planning and Lands Branch in the Development Bureau as well as the Chief Executive Officer of the Property Management Services Authority.
Event Date : 2020-10-19
Event Time : 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Registration Closing Date : 2020-10-15
CPD Hour(s) : 1
Divisional PQSL Hour(s) : 1
Venue : By online media – ZOOM
Division : GPD
Organizer : General Practice Division
Fee : Free of charge to members
Priority : First-come-first-served
Language : Cantonese (supplemented by English)
Details :

To speed up short and medium-term housing supply, the Development Bureau (DEVB) has launched since May 2020 the Land Sharing Pilot Scheme (LSPS) which helps unleash or enhance the development potentials of private lots currently constrained by inadequate infrastructure or GIC facilities.


Where upgrade or provision of infrastructure or GIC facilities is necessary to support a higher development density of a private lot, the Government will, upon acceptance of an application under LSPS, facilitate the applicant to construct such facilities with costs deductible from the payment of land premium for the relevant lease modification/land exchange.  In return, the applicant shall share by contributing to the Government at least 70% of the additional domestic gross floor area gained, in the form of formed land on which the Government will construct public housing or Starter Homes.  Through streamlining the required statutory procedures and providing one-stop facilitation and advisory services by the Land Sharing Office in processing LSPS applications as well as by tapping the market force in planning and construction, LSPS will contribute additional housing supply to both the private and public sectors under a compressed development programme.


Private lots with consolidated ownership, not falling within geographical limit including those either environmentally sensitive or intended for public purposes, are eligible under LSPS.  Subject to a maximum of 150 hectares to be accepted, applications received before 6 May 2023 will be processed.


This presentation introduces the framework of LSPS, with focus on aspects relevant professionals should note in advising their prospective clients in joining LSPS as well as preparing and facilitating acceptance of applications.

Remarks :

Postponed from 5 August 2020

The event will be conducted online via ZOOM. Successful registrants will be notified separately via email with the web link in due course to the online event .

Please install the Zoom Application in advance at

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Payment : HKD 0
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks